03 9438 1368

Fertility Health

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Preconception & Fertility care is likened to preparing the garden soil before planting a new seed.

Preconception & Fertility health is about enhancing the environment in which the developing egg and sperm is produced. Aiming to create a place for a potential pregnancy to thrive. It’s important to understand your individual health needs to support a healthy pregnancy.

Our dynamic team is here to support all aspects of a healthy pregnancy. Our practitioners are highly experienced in preconception, fertility, hormone and dietary related natural health care. Our integrative team of practitioners build a personalised wellness plan. Offering all aspects that will support and nurture your pregnancy journey. Our resident Coach can explore fears or subconscious limitations you may hold relating to pregnancy or motherhood.

Preconception care is not a new idea in Chinese Medicine. The practice of good health before pregnancy has always been considered as important as the period of pregnancy itself.

The role of Chinese Medicine assisting hormonal and reproductive health of both men and women has been documented in research long ago. Dr Clancy Street- Acupuncturist can help you understand your body and optimise conceiving naturally. She has assisted many individuals and couples to improve their fertility and hormonal health, and their chances of becoming parents.

If you have already had a full investigation and are on the ART or IVF path, there are ways in which Clancy’s expertise can assist you at various treatment points. Refer to IVF Acupuncture page.

Western medicine research also recognises Acupuncture’s positive effects in in treating PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). As more research is being conducted, the areas that Acupuncture is showing the strongest areas of positive effect emerges. Details of these findings can be found at the Acupuncture Evidence Project

Many health and lifestyle conditions play a role in preconception health, such as:

Many of the conception-related risk factors impact the fertility health of males and females. At Diamond Creek Natural Medicine Centre, we believe it is important to improve your preconception health as a partnership to encourage a healthy pregnancy.


  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Oxidative stress
  • Lifestyle behaviours
  • Stress, anxiety, depression,
  • Medications
  • Hormone health & Menstrual Disorders
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis
  • Amenorrhea
  • Hereditary and genetic predispositions
  • Coeliacs disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus

Natural medicine Treatments, such Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Chiropractic, Remedial massage, Minfuless Coaching & Reiki may help to improve fertility and pregnancy by:

→ Addressing any underlying health conditions or imbalances that may be impacting fertility

→ Regulating hormones

→ Increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs

→ Reducing stress & managing stressors

→ Improve egg quality

→ Increase sperm count

→ Relieve morning sickness

→ Prevent & manage gestational diabetes

→ Prepring the mind, body and soul for this journey


Want to learn more about how our multidisciplinary health team can help you?

Book for a 15 min FREE discovery call. Or if you’re ready to start your pregnancy journey with us, book online now.