03 9438 1368

Catie Haddrick

Meet Catie

Catie Haddrick


Catie (she/her) is a degree-qualified Naturopath who has a passion for herbal medicine and holistic nutrition. With a warm and compassionate approach, Catie provides evidence base holistic healthcare to those wanting to optimise their health and wellbeing.

With a special focus on women’s health, hormone imbalances, skin conditions, gut health, mental health, stress support, and fatiguw, she uses a combination of scientific evidence based approach alond with traditional practices that is the foundation of Naturopathy.

Catie uses a wide range of modalities for your personalised treatment, which may include herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, as well as dietary and lifestyle modifications. Catie may utilise comprehensive pathology and functional testing to uncover any underlying imbalances, thereby treating the root cause. Her goal is to not only alleviate your current health issue but to also equip you with tools to maintain long-term balance and vitality.

You will find that Catie is a warm and friendly practitioner, who is passionate about her work as a Naturopath. In her spare time, she enjoys walking with her dogs, socialising with friends and family, adventuring, eating good food, reading, running, and going to the gym.

Catie would be honoured to support you on your health journey.